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Opinion: Academy Award Best Pictures Formula

How does the Academy really choose the most suitable movie to win the Best Picture award? I mean honestly.

For someone like me who likes to watch films on the big screen or just in front of my laptop or TV, I find it quite confusing how these big award-giving bodies select out of hundreds or thousands of films shown every year. There must be some kind of formula for some movies to be nominated and a select one to win the prestigious award.

I have watched 15 Best Pictures so far and I must say it is a pretty diverse list. From a biopic, a book adaptation to fiction. Even musicals sometimes win the award.

But really how does one win the Best Picture award? Is there really a bias when it comes to being chosen as the winner?

Well, if you ask me there is definitely a bias. Maybe one judge wants something new or interesting. Or maybe another judge wants something that is relevant and delivers a strong message. To be honest even maybe those that judge the nominees have pretty diverse opinions. Maybe, none of us really know how one can be a winner.

However, in my opinion if I would choose the Best Picture I would concentrate on the following:

  1. Story Uniqueness - a story that is new to us and would entice our curiosity is a definite plus for me. It may not necessarily be an original but just something that would pique someone's interest.

  2. Well-constructed plot - nobody really wants a story that is out of place. I like something that has a good beginning, a build-up middle and a satisfying ending.

  3. Technicalities - I am no expert when it comes to filmmaking but really if one uses the technology that is available to them and uses it perfectly it is a definite plus.

  4. Ahead of its time - to me, a good quality movie should be ahead of its time. It should have the quality for it to be still something to be talked about even after a few years.

  5. Top-notch acting - there is nothing more enjoyable when actors/actresses leave it on the line when it comes to acting. You must feel every emotion that they bring out so that you can feel that you are part of it.

There could have been more but in all honesty, if someone enjoys the movie no matter if the reviews are bad or good, we should just respect it. We all have different opinions.

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